Murray Bailey
Senior Consultant
Murray is a seasoned Credit Industry expert with over 30 years’ senior management experience across a range of businesses and sectors: from consumer to SME lending, from Prime mortgages to payday loans.
In addition to undertaking focused diagnostic and consulting engagements, Murray has acted in various senior, interim roles and is able to operate at both the detailed level (such as building scorecards) as well as the strategic and board level.
Murray currently serves as an NED and Business Advisor to Future Finance and as a Risk Advisor to OnStep Homes. He has previously held NED or Advisor positions within Opos Limited, Neyber Finance, Capfin, Logical Glue, Verdabelo Esco PLC and Bumblebee Loans. He has also authored several credit risk books.
Prior to becoming a consultant, Murray's career included CRO / Head of Risk positions at Citibank, HFC Bank, GE Consumer Finance, ING Direct, Wonga, Cattles, Zopa, British Pearl, Northern Rock, Amigo Loans, IWOCA, Together Money, Honeycomb Finance and Neyber Limited. He has also served as a credit risk advisor to Pollen Street Capital, reviewing two of its businesses.
Murray frequently undertakes diagnostic and consulting engagements in the following areas:
Scorecard development
Scorecard performance review
Credit limit management
Basel III
Risk-based pricing and re-pricing
Collections strategies
Bad debt sale
Fraud detection and prevention